Thyroid Hormones & Treatment
Paul is an active advocate for thyroid patients through his regular blog posts, which offer a wealth of information that both relate to his books as well as current news and insights.
Posts on thyroid hormones and how they function within the body will be in this category. As will the relationship to other hormones like cortisol. This category will cover the proper testing and treatment of thyroid hormones using all the thyroid treatments.
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More On Multi-Dosing of T3 (Liothyronine)
By Paul Robinson |
A few years ago, I wrote a blog post explaining why T3 (Liothyronine) is best taken in multiple doses during ...
Paul Robinson’s Observations on Thyroid Treatment Issues
By Paul Robinson |
I thought I would share my observations on the different categories of treatment issues that I have seen over the ...
Paul Robinson’s Recovering from Hypothyroidism Series of Books are Now Out on Kindle (E-Books)
By Paul Robinson |
All my books are now available on Kindle (an E-Book which can be purchased from Amazon). The books form the ...
Using the Percentile of the Reference Range for Thyroid Hormone Blood Test Results Can Often Be Revealing
By Paul Robinson |
This is a very simple blog post about thyroid blood test results that I was prompted to write as a ...
A Small Number of Thyroid Patients Cannot Cope with Any Levothyroxine (T4 medication) or Thyroid-Produced T4 in Their System
By Paul Robinson |
This blog came out of a conversation with a thyroid patient who was still having some issues when on mostly ...
Autoimmune Protocols (AIPs) for Lowering Autoantibodies – May Not Be Right for Every Thyroid Patient
By Paul Robinson |
These days, there is a lot of focus on diet and supplements as a solution to autoimmune thyroid problems. The ...
T3 Thyroid Hormone and Cortisol Relationships Summary
By Paul Robinson |
I was asked recently to explain my views on the relationship of the T3 thyroid hormone to Cortisol. This is ...
Pharmaceutical Equivalency of Levothyroxine (T4), Liothyronine (T3) and Natural Desiccated Thyroid (NDT)
By Paul Robinson |
I have worked with thousands of thyroid patients over the past fifteen years. In my Recovering with T3 book back ...
Why T3, or Liothyronine, is Usually Taken in Multi-Doses Per Day
By Paul Robinson |
This blog post discusses why multi-dosing with T3-Only or T3-Mostly medication is more effective and safer for the majority of ...
Why So Many Thyroid Patients Fail to Recover on Levothyroxine (T4)
By Paul Robinson |
This is a great new blog post from Dr Tania S. Smith of Thyroid Patients Canada. The post clearly spells ...