Recommended Resources
Here are some resources that I think are also very valuable for thyroid patients who are trying to learn more about hypothyroidism and related conditions in order to recover their health as fast as possible.
Useful Websites
Health Rising
This website is run by Cort Johnson. It is dedicated to providing timely, accurate information to people with chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and fibromyalgia.
Purehealth Clinic
This website is run by Micki Rose. Micki Rose is a natural health consultant, health writer, and founder of Purehealth Clinic, a virtual service that helps people take control of their own health. Purehealth provides vital resources, including laboratory testing, information, supplies, and support.
Thyroid Patients Canada
Thyroid Patients Canada is a nonprofit corporation registered with the Government of Canada. This website is run by
Dr. Tania S. Smith. It provides numerous blog articles about thyroid hormones, hypothyroidism, and thyroid treatment.
The Invisible Hypothyroidism
Rachel Hill is an award-winning UK thyroid patient advocate with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s. She writes about all aspects of living with these health conditions, including mental health, lifestyle effects, relationships, pregnancy and what changes you can make to take back your health.
Useful Facebook Groups
Thyroid Patients Canada Public Group
This group's purpose is to promote health by providing individuals with thyroid disabilities with access to patient-led peer support communities and science-based public education, and by publicly advocating for improvements to thyroid health care policy and research. Dr. Tania S. Smith often introduces new blog articles here.