Cortisol Information

Paul is an active advocate for thyroid patients through his regular blog posts, which offer a wealth of information that both relate to his books as well as current news and insights.

This category includes topics related to cortisol, cortisol testing or the adrenal glands. Most importantly it covers recovering from cortisol issues and the Circadian T3 Method (CT3M).

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Sex Hormones and Cortisol Relationships, Plus Impact on Thyroid Hormones

I was not going to write this post. I never even thought that it required writing. However, there are so ...

T3 Thyroid Hormone and Cortisol Relationships Summary

I was asked recently to explain my views on the relationship of the T3 thyroid hormone to Cortisol. This is ...

Could Cortisol Pumps Treat Low Cortisol in Patients Who Cannot Recover from Adrenal Problems Using Oral Hydrocortisone (HC)?

All of my books are focused on providing information on how to go about thyroid diagnosis and treatment in a ...

Low Cortisol – The Circadian T3 Method (CT3M) Can Improve Cortisol Levels Throughout the Day

The Circadian T3 Method (CT3M) is a means of improving cortisol levels for thyroid patients. I originally created it because ...

Symptoms of Low Cortisol, High Cortisol and Aldosterone Issues

Recently I was asked by a thyroid patient whether I had an article on low cortisol symptoms. As I discuss ...

Cortisol Results Inconsistent Between Saliva Testing and Blood Testing

This post may help to explain why sometimes we might see an inconsistency between the result for an 8:00 am ...

Can T3 Thyroid Hormone Treatment Stress The Adrenal Glands in Thyroid Patients?

This is a question I have heard many times. Here is an answer that hopefully will deal with this and ...

High & Low Cortisol Effects on Thyroid Hormone, and Dispelling an Internet Myth

Higher cortisol levels reduce TSH (through the effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary system). A reduced TSH does two things: For those ...

Why I Needed to Create the Circadian T3 Method (CT3M) and Why it Can Be So Helpful in Thyroid Patient Treatment

CT3M stands for Circadian T3 Method. I created this approach over twenty years ago, in order to raise my cortisol from a desperately ...

Research Shows The Importance of T3 Thyroid Hormone to Cortisol Production

Here is another new piece of research that provides more scientific support for what I have been saying for many ...