About Paul
Paul Robinson became ill with hypothyroidism in his late twenties. Over the next thirty-plus years, Paul accumulated a wealth of knowledge on thyroid and adrenal dysfunction. His scientific background enabled him to fight through the morass of misinformation and recover his health.
At first, Paul was put on the most common thyroid treatment - Levothyroxine (also known as Synthroid or T4). However, the majority of his symptoms remained, much like they do for many on T4-therapy. Over time he became even more ill, with both low cortisol and low thyroid symptoms.
Paul saw many endocrinologists and doctors. Most of these were privately paid for, as he got more desperate and worried. During this time, he was told, "You will have to live with it”, “You have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome", "You cannot have a thyroid issue, as your thyroid results are within range". All these statements were nonsense, but Paul was written-off by the medical profession.
Eventually, he realised that no doctor was going to be able to help him recover. He had to figure out what was wrong and then fix it by himself.
Natural Desiccated Thyroid (NDT) did not help him. T4/T3 (Levothyroxine/Liothyronine) combinations did not help him.
The struggle over many years cost him his career and damaged his relationships. He had lost all of his thirties and some of his forties.
Paul got well by using T3 on its own - with no T4 at all. His books and work refer to this as T3-Only or T3-monotherapy.
He developed a safe and effective protocol for using the T3 and a way of raising cortisol levels if needed.
He wrote ‘Recovering with T3’ to explain all of this.
Paul has now been taking T3-Only for over 20 years.
He has used his knowledge to help many people who suffer from thyroid hormone imbalances and low cortisol.
It was clear to Paul that every individual thyroid patient needs a solution that suits him or her.
All thyroid hormone treatments have a role. Sometimes T4 is all that is needed when it is dosed correctly. Sometimes T4/T3 or NDT is best. In a few cases, mostly T3 or T3-Only is needed to help thyroid patients recover.
With good clinical judgment and ALL the available thyroid treatments, there is no reason for anyone to continue without symptom relief.
Paul wrote 'The CT3M Handbook' as a companion book to 'Recovering with T3' to explain more about raising cortisol levels if needed.
There is no reason for anyone to stay unwell for a long time on poor thyroid treatment. When this happens it can seriously affect someone's life.
For this reason, Paul wrote his third book ‘The Thyroid Patient’s Manual’. This book covers all types of thyroid medications (T4, T4/T3, NDT, and T3). It will help patients and doctors as it is up to date with research findings. 'The Thyroid Patient's Manual' has been described by Thyroid UK as ‘essential reading’ for all hypothyroid patients. Most readers have also given the book 5-star reviews on Amazon.
Thyroid patients need help to recover from hypothyroidism as fast as possible. This is the best way to avoid other health complications and any collateral damage to jobs and relationships that can occur.
Paul Robinson developed his website: https://paulrobinsonthyroid.com to help thyroid patients everywhere. Please explore the site.
For more detail on Paul's own struggle to recover from hypothyroidism please see this blog post:
Paul Robinson is a thyroid patient advocate (not a medical practitioner).
Any information you gain from Paul's books, website or other work should be discussed with your own physician.
To contact Paul please use the Contact button near the bottom of the homepage of this site.
The ‘Recovering from Hypothyroidism series’
In summary, his books are:
Essential reading for those people intending to use T3-Only or T3-Mostly therapy.
Covers thyroid diagnosis and treatment with all the main thyroid medications (T4, NDT, T3 and T4/T3). It is an ideal resource for most thyroid patients. Unlike many other thyroid books it is very practical, and comprehensive through the entire process from diagnosis to successful treatment.
For any patient who needs more information on using CT3M.
All three books are available with 'Look Inside' on Amazon websites across the world, so you can look at a selection of pages and get a feel for what the books are about. A full index list for each book can be seen on each of the book pages, click ‘read more’ above.
Blogs and Social Media
Paul Robinson's website blog provides a wealth of knowledge that relates to his books, as well as important information aimed at helping thyroid patients resolve their own health issues, as well as other relevant facts, research papers and insights. Visit our blog.
He also has accounts on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter where you can find more of Paul Robinson's views and insights. Please click on the links below to visit these.
Click here for additional Hypothyroidism Recovery resources.
Contacting Us
Paul Robinson is known for his writings on the use of T3-Only. However, his work also helps thyroid patients who are on all types of thyroid treatment (T4, NDT, T4/T3 as well as T3-Only). In particular, 'The Thyroid Patient's Manual' book covers the use of all the main thyroid hormones.
Paul Robinson is a thyroid patient advocate (not a medical practitioner). Any information you gain from Paul's books, website or other work should be discussed with your own physician.
Please use the contact button below if you wish to message Paul or provide feedback on the website.
Paul’s personal story
For a more personal description of Paul's own journey from severe hypothyroidism to good health, please see his own description of his story: https://youtu.be/ZcDb9Cm7Zj0.