Paul Robinson’s Observations on Thyroid Treatment Issues

I thought I would share my observations on the different categories of treatment issues that I have seen over the past 16-17 years of working 1-1 with thousands of thyroid patients. I think some of you will find this interesting and might even recognise yourself in one of the categories.

I also mention the upcoming release of hard cover versions of all of my books. Note: all of the books have undergone extensive revision over the past few years and even within the last 12 months. All the up to text will be in the hard back versions and is also in the currently available paperback and Kindle formats.

Here is the link to the video:

I hope you find it interesting.

If you need to contact me then please use the ‘Contact’ button on the homepage of this website.

Best wishes, Paul

Paul Robinson

Paul Robinson is a British author and thyroid patient advocate. The focus of his books and work is on helping patients recover from hypothyroidism. Paul has accumulated a wealth of knowledge on thyroid and adrenal dysfunction and their treatment. His three books cover all of this.

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