The Thyroid Patient’s Manual – Is This The Best Thyroid Book For Me?

The Thyroid Patient’s Manual is a practical, easy-to-read book, which provides an excellent resource for people who are trying to understand hypothyroidism and how to recover from it. It is a great book to read for those trying to recover from hypothyroidism as fast as possible.

It is also the ideal first book to read in the Recovering from Hypothyroidism series of books by Paul Robinson.

The book covers the following topics:

  • Information on how the thyroid and thyroid hormones fit into a larger system. In particular, it explains how TSH, the T4 thyroid hormone, the T3 thyroid hormone and cortisol all interact.
  • How to tell if someone has hypothyroidism. The book discusses thyroid laboratory testing and lab test results in detail. It refers to recent research findings and points out some of the flaws in current diagnosis and treatment. Most importantly it highlights the main symptoms and signs that might suggest that someone has hypothyroidism. Symptoms and signs are often far more telling than laboratory test results.
  • For those about to start thyroid treatment or those already on thyroid medication but are still unwell, the book suggests some other important laboratory tests to do to ensure any treatment has a chance of success. Sometimes other issues get in the way of successful thyroid treatment and the book helps to identify and resolve them.
  • A large core of the book is focused on the use of the main thyroid treatments: Levothyroxine (T4), Natural Desiccated Thyroid (NDT), T3 Treatment, and T4/T3 Combination Therapy. Each of these has a detailed chapter that explains how to introduce the medication type and then manage dosage changes.
  • Less common problems are discussed including sex hormones and other issues that might affect some thyroid patients.
  • Throughout the book, suggestions are made to overcome common pitfalls that thyroid patients may face along the road to recovery.

The Thyroid Patient’s Manual is presented in a logical way that helps thyroid patients to move systematically from the current place in their own health journey towards recovery from hypothyroidism.

The book is aimed at several different patient groups. These include:

  • Those who suspect they have hypothyroidism but have not yet been diagnosed.
  • Patients who have just been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, and need to understand enough about their condition to assess if the treatment they have been given is sensible or not.
  • Those who are on thyroid medication but remain unwell, and want to know what might be preventing their recovery.
  • Thyroid patients who want to know exactly what laboratory tests they should do to fix their hypothyroidism issues and how to interpret the results.
  • Thyroid patients who believe that they may be on the wrong medication for them, and want to know what the other options are and how to use them.
  • Thyroid patients who wish to understand the best way to use the thyroid medications (T4, NDT, T3 and T4/T3). For those thyroid patients who decide that T3-Only is definitely their best option, they should also read Recovering with T3.
  • Thyroidectomy patients, or thyroid patients, who believe that they may have lost significant T4 to T3 conversion capability.
  • Overall, it is the foundation of the Recovering from Hypothyroidism series and ideally should be read prior to reading any of the other books.
  • The Thyroid Patient’s Manual may also be of value to many doctors who are out of date with recent research findings and their implications for the diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism.

The Thyroid Patient’s Manual book was written to help the majority of thyroid patients recover from hypothyroidism as fast as possible.

For more information on The Thyroid Patient’s Manual please see the book page near the front of this website.

Amazon also uses Look Inside so you can view sample pages of the book there.

I hope that you found this helpful.

Best wishes,


Paul Robinson

Paul Robinson is a British author and thyroid patient advocate. The focus of his books and work is on helping patients recover from hypothyroidism. Paul has accumulated a wealth of knowledge on thyroid and adrenal dysfunction and their treatment. His three books cover all of this.

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  1. Jamie Frettsome on 18th May 2023 at 12:59 pm

    Hello Sir,

    I have whats known as ‘pooling’ of RT3 in my bloodstream. Aparently this blocks my FT3 getting to my cells. I cannot take synthetic T3 without having a bad reaction.
    Have you come across this problem before and if so have you any methods of resolving it?

  2. Melinda Carter on 3rd June 2023 at 3:21 am

    Hi Paul, taking 200 mg of Levothyroxine. I am going to read more about T3. Do I need a script to purchase Liothyronine? Can I get a script from someone other than my primary doctor? What about independent testing or advice understanding my results? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    Thanks , Melinda

    • Paul Robinson on 3rd June 2023 at 9:30 am

      Hi Melinda,

      Yes, Liothyronine is a prescription drug. You’d have to find a private doctor or functional medicine practitioner to prescribe T3. How you go about that is country dependent.

      There are plenty of private laboratories that do comprehensive testing. Again, this is country dependent and I don’t know where you are based.

      I would definitely read The Thyroid Patient’s Manual book as it will explain what the testing should be and how to interpret it. It also explains why simply adding T3 to the treatment might not work – you’d likely have to reduce the T4 content also. But proper thyroid lab tests that include FT3 and Reverse T3 would help inform your decisions.

      Best wishes, Paul

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