The CT3M Handbook was written about two years after the Recovering with T3 book was released. Recovering with T3 covers both a protocol for using the T3 thyroid hormone safely and effectively and an optional protocol to help those with low cortisol. This optional protocol is called the Circadian T3 Method, or CT3M.
Paul Robinson wrote The CT3M Handbook because he had received lots of questions from patients about certain aspects of using CT3M. The CT3M Handbook was written as a companion book to Recovering with T3 in order to cover those things that needed more explanation.
Many thyroid patients will find the Recovering with T3 book perfectly adequate on its own. Recovering with T3 explains why CT3M can be very helpful and exactly how to use it if required. However, for those that really depend on using the CT3M protocol, and find they have additional questions, The CT3M Handbook is an excellent companion book as it discusses CT3M in more detail.
The CT3M Handbook was written assuming the reader would read Recovering with T3 first (as this book provides the overall protocol for using T3).
Note: The CT3M Handbook does not include all the background information on T3 and the overall protocol for using T3. It only focuses on the optional protocol, called CT3M.
The CT3M Handbook covers the following topics:
- Information on the circadian rhythm of thyroid hormones and cortisol and how the Circadian T3 Method actually works.
- How to assess if CT3M is relevant to you.
- Practical considerations of using CT3M including what thyroid medications can be used and how adrenal hormone supplements fit in and many other things.
- Issues that can be a problem and prevent CT3M from working well are discussed.
- CT3M can be used to allow a thyroid patient to reduce and eventually stop being dependent on adrenal steroids like hydrocortisone (HC). This is only going to be feasible if there is no fundamental adrenal damage (Addison’s disease).
- Details of the CT3M protocol are explained in a step-by-step manner.
The CT3M Handbook is relatively short, only numbering some 162 pages, but it does address most of the questions regarding CT3M that have been asked since Recovering with T3 was first published.
The CT3M Handbook is aimed at several different patient groups. These include:
- Those who continue to be plagued with low cortisol issues even though their thyroid treatment appears well adjusted.
- Those who have low cortisol but have been shown to not have Addison’s disease or Hypopituitarism, i.e. there is no known reason for the low cortisol levels.
- Thyroid patients who are on effective thyroid treatment but who are also on adrenal steroids like hydrocortisone (HC) and do not want to continue to take these. HC and other steroids are sometimes essential but some thyroid patients do not feel well on them and are given these drugs far too quickly before other approaches like CT3M are attempted.
- Thyroid patient’s whose thyroid lab tests look fine but due to sub-optimal cortisol, their thyroid hormones are not effective at a cellular level.
- Those thyroid patients who are left with some questions about CT3M even after they have read the Recovering with T3 book.
For more information on The CT3M Handbook please see the book page on the website:
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