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Lynn’s Story
Thyroid Treatment:
Circadian T3 Method, T3
I wanted to write this short note of thanks for your books and your work to change the dialogue about T3 therapy.
I wrote to you a little less than a year ago with my whole thyroid story. Here is a quick synopsis.
I was diagnosed hypothyroid at 15, felt terrible for years even though I was ‘good” according to my labs. I dealt with it. Things got terrible in my 30’s after having my 2 daughters. I obtained Armout thyroid to try to see if something could help. I felt better, but not 100%. I dealt with it.
Then I read your books a year ago. I quit my Endo who wouldn’t even test my T3 and Reverse T3. I found a PA (physician assistant) who would prescribe me Liothyronine (T3) and followed your book (Recovering with T3) to titrate my dose over a 6 month period.
I have now been T3 only for about 5 months. Currently I take CT3M (4:00am) Dose of 50 mcg, 12:00pm dose of 37.5 and a 6:00pm dose. I have NO hyper symptoms whatsoever.