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Lynn’s Story

Thyroid Treatment:
Circadian T3 Method, T3

I wanted to write this short note of thanks for your books and your work to change the dialogue about T3 therapy. 

I wrote to you a little less than a year ago with my whole thyroid story.  Here is a quick synopsis.

I was diagnosed hypothyroid at 15, felt terrible for years even though I was ‘good” according to my labs.  I dealt with it. Things got terrible in my 30’s after having my 2 daughters.  I obtained Armout thyroid to try to see if something could help.  I felt better, but not 100%. I dealt with it.

Then I read your books a year ago. I quit my Endo who wouldn’t even test my T3 and Reverse T3.  I found a PA (physician assistant) who would prescribe me Liothyronine (T3) and followed your book (Recovering with T3) to titrate my dose over a 6 month period.

I have now been T3 only for about 5 months. Currently I take CT3M (4:00am) Dose of 50 mcg, 12:00pm dose of 37.5 and a 6:00pm dose.  I have NO hyper symptoms whatsoever.

What’s the result you ask?  My skin is better, I’m rested in the morning, my hair is less dry, my pulse is up from 55 bpm to 65, I’m not freezing cold all the time, and on and on!  I am also able to eat about 1,400-1,600 calories to maintain my weight.  That number used to be, no lie, about 1,000 calories.  I am extremely active and still can’t eat near what my fitbit tells me I can, but it is so much more normal!  This is something I have never had in my entire life.

All of this to say thank you for your books, your story, and your dedication to help people like me.  You, quite literally, changed my life.  I will forever be thankful to you.