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Katarina’s Story

Thyroid Treatment:

I Was in a Wheelchair for More Than 4 Years and Now I’m Riding My Bicycle Again – I Got Well on T3 Only Therapy

This is just a very brief update from someone who got well over a year or so using T3 only therapy.

“I just want to thank all the admins and Paul Robinson in this group!

No one has helped me as much as you guys in all my health problems and thyroid issues like you!

You all know far much more than the regular doctors does.

Finally I’m back to life after getting my thyroid work better on T3 and after balancing my adrenals that has been totally burned out.

I’ve been in a wheelchair for more than 4 years and now I’m riding my bicycle again!

It’s like a dream has come true…

Thank you best friends for always being here for me!!

Together we are strong!