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Jan J’s Story
Thyroid Treatment:
Circadian T3 Method, T4/T3
How I Got Over Hypothyroidism Using the Recovering with T3 Book
The book, Recovering with T3 by Paul Robinson was written for people like me, who have thyroid issues, see doctors, take meds and still have all of the symptoms that keep us feeling unwell both physically and emotionally. I am a 60 year old retired teacher and have had thyroid problems for many years. I’ve been on medications that work for a very short time and then all the symptoms would come back. I switched to a naturopathic doctor about a year ago and we have been trying herbs, acupuncture, creams, you name it. My tested levels fell within normal ranges but I still felt horrible. Last week I joined a FB discussion group. I wanted to hear from other people and find out what they were doing to feel better. What I found were lots of people struggling to regain their health and get their lives back, like me.
Last week, I read a post there about this particular book ,which came out in November 2011. In reading the book, the author documents his success in his personal challenge to improve his health. The book includes details, reflections, suggestions and protocols that gave Paul Robinson recovery from Hashimoto’s and his life back. Not to be misleading, this is NOT about a cure. There is no “cure” for Hashimoto’s. But by using T3 in a different way, he had recovered his feeling of health. When I read it, it all made perfect sense. So I decided to try it. I already had the prescription for T3, because I take T3 and I decided to implement the things he did that applied to my condition and symptoms including the Circadian T3 Method. I now take T3 and some T4.
Within 2 days, yes, I said 2 days…I felt like myself! It worked!!
It’s like someone turned a switch on and my life came back! It’s now been 5 days and the aches and pains are gone, my body temp is up to normal! It has been years since I felt this good! I am amazed and grateful to Paul for taking the time to write the book and bring hope and light to those in the dark and sometimes lonely place of Hashimoto’s.
The book covers everything you need to know. If you still don’t feel well after doing what the doctors tell you, this book is a must read!
It can change your life…it did mine!