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Helen’s Story
Thyroid Treatment:
Circadian T3 Method, T3
With the Circadian T3 Method I Need Less T3 Now Than Before
I had increasingly high cortisol levels over a 5-year period. Then, in 2010, my cortisol levels dropped to below normal, the morning level being the lowest point of the day.
In 2012 I discovered Paul Robinson’s CT3M method of improving cortisol, and I started using that approach in July. I didn’t notice a lot of difference during the first couple of months, and my saliva cortisol test results were still low. However, Paul pointed out that if I had blood sugar issues, CT3M might not work properly.
So I took both fasting and non-fasting blood tests, which showed that I did have blood sugar issue problems. I’d heard about Metformin, a prescription drug used for insulin resistance, so I asked my doctor if I would be able to try it. Since then, I’ve had several tests that seem to confirm that I have insulin resistance.
I started taking Metformin in late October, and continued with the CT3M dose and time that seemed to work best for me, being 20 mcg of T3 three hours before getting up. By early December, my cortisol levels had improved and were back to normal, and my morning cortisol was even just over the normal level range! So once I had my blood sugar in check, CT3M worked really quickly for me.
Since tapering off my circadian dose, I have noticed that I need less T3 for my thyroid dosing, which is exciting. My head is becoming clearer, and I am feeling so much better than I did. I do take things gradually, as I don’t want to revert back to low cortisol again, and I think I’m getting stronger by the day.
I am currently working on finding a low, or late in the window (of cortisol production), circadian dose that works as a maintenance dose.
I am so grateful to Paul for the huge amount of time and energy he has spent researching and testing to discover something that is bringing relief to so many of us.