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Dawn’s Story

Thyroid Treatment:
Circadian T3 Method, Natural Desiccated Thyroid (NDT)

Weaning from Adrenal Steroids Using the Circadian T3 Method (CT3M) to Raise Natural Cortisol Levels

I had been on hc/isocort for over 2 years in an effort to regain my health. I was feeling good on it yet did not want to continue to have to be dependent on it forever and it had been difficult to optimize my sex hormones while on HC. I decided to wean and see what happened….sure enough I started to feel fatigue and my asthma returned.

For me asthma is a tell tell sign of low cortisol and was completely gone once I got on HC ..however sure enough after being off the hc for a few weeks low cortisol symptoms were returning and I was needing my inhaler every day sometimes twice a day.

I decided to give the Circadian T3 Method of dosing a try even though I was taking NDT.

I took my NDT in 2 divided doses anyway so I moved my wake up dose to  4 am. That was my larger half of my daily NDT dose. The other portion I continued to take at bedtime as I had been doing for quite a while.  I took 1.25 grains of NDT at 4 am (my waking time is around 6:15) and literally overnight my low cortisol symptoms disappeared and have not returned!!!

I figured that the 1.25 grains of NDT is giving me about 11 or 12 mcg of pure t3 which for me must be enough. I recently moved my dose time to 3:45 a.m to work more in synch with my husband who is also now dosing his NDT using this method and he is feeling good too!

I have not had a  reccurance of asthma or any low cortisol symptoms since dosing my NDT using the Circadian T3 Method.

The way I feel doing this is nothing short of a miracle!!