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Caren’s Story
Thyroid Treatment:
Some Patients Need the Biologically Active Hormone T3 in Order to Recover from Hypothyroidism
I was misdiagnosed for 20 plus years. I was always told I was borderline hypothyroid. Borderline always meant that no doctor would treat me.
Jump ahead 20 years and I finally got a diagnosis when my TSH was 7.23 and my Free T3 and Free T4 were at the bottom of their reference ranges.
I asked for a NDT but my doctor refused, saying he wanted to see how I did on T4 (Synthroid / Levothyroxine), first. But 6 months later I still felt awful, my Free T4 was up and my Free T3 never budged from when I was first diagnosed.
Obviously I wasn’t converting T4 to T3.
At that point my doctor put me on a combination of synthroid/ cytomel . Things got a little better but I was still feeling VERY hypo.
I asked to go on T3-Only for a trial and he denied me, so I fired him!
I found out how to get T3 myself and have been self-treating ever since.
My hypothyroidism symptoms are gone. I now have my life back, after 20+ years!
T3 is the only thing I will take for my thyroid.
It works!
Why wouldn’t it?