Recovering with T3 is still the most helpful and practical book to read about using the T3 (Liothyronine) thyroid hormone.
Recovering with T3 is part of the Recovering from Hypothyroidism series of books. It is usually best to read The Thyroid Patient’s Manual first before progressing to Recovering with T3.
Everyone who is on T3, whether in a small dosage or a large dosage would benefit from reading Recovering with T3.
Recovering with T3 contains the full protocol for the safe and effective use of the T3 thyroid hormone. It also describes an additional protocol for correcting cortisol balance, called the Circadian T3 Method (CT3M). There is an additional book focused just on CT3M, called The CT3M Handbook, but it is important to read Recovering with T3 first, as the CT3M Handbook is a companion book.
The Recovering with T3 book covers the following topics:
- The background on how Paul Robinson became ill and did not recover from hypothyroidism on Levothyroxine (T4 medication), Natural Desiccated Thyroid (NDT) or T4/T3 combination therapy. It explains how Paul eventually recovered his health through the use of Liothyronine (T3). This background story will likely resonate with many thyroid patients who find they are struggling to recover from hypothyroidism with standard thyroid treatment.
- Information on how the thyroid and thyroid hormones and the adrenal glands and cortisol in particular work together. Sometimes correcting cortisol can be of equal importance to correcting thyroid hormone function for some thyroid patients. This was true in the author’s case.
- Essential background information on the T3 thyroid hormone, how it works, why it is so crucially important and how it affects other hormones.
- The most important laboratory testing for a thyroid patient to have done prior to starting T3 treatment.
- Many practical pieces of advice on how to go about using T3 therapy safely and effectively. The book has useful chapters on different aspects of using T3 therapy that are important to be aware of if the T3 treatment is to progress smoothly and safely.
- The book explains the problems of trying to manage T3 therapy using the standard laboratory ranges for thyroid hormones, and what to do instead of the approach designed for those on T4 monotherapy.
- Some of the most important chapters of the book provide a detailed protocol that describes how to safely begin using T3 therapy and how to adjust the dosage in order to recover from hypothyroidism. This protocol is described in a step-by-step manner, with guidance on how to assess the efficacy of T3 doses and how to safely adjust them in order to recover as fast as possible.
- The Recovering with T3 book also describes the Circadian T3 Method (or CT3M). This is an approach created by Paul Robinson, based on research findings. CT3M allowed Paul to correct his own very low cortisol, and he continues to use it himself today. CT3M has proven over the years to be very effective in helping many other thyroid patients to correct their own low cortisol, thus enabling the T3 thyroid hormone to work effectively.
- The book also discusses why some people might never be able to correct their hypothyroidism without the use of T3.
The book is aimed at several different groups of people. These include:
- Those thyroid patients who have been unable to get well on Levothyroxine (T4), NDT or T4/T3 combinations and wish to try an approach that is based on using T3-Only.
- Those thyroid patients who remain symptomatic, with low FT3 levels on any dosage of conventional thyroid treatment. These patients might also have high reverse T3 levels even on NDT or T4/T3 combination therapy.
- Thyroid patients who have been sick and symptomatic for a very long time and want to get well as soon as possible. For these people using T3 on its own can be a step that they wish to take first before attempting to add some T4 based medication in later.
- Those thyroid patients who wish to use mostly T3 (with a small amount of T4).
- Those thyroid patients for whom any amount of T4 medication appears to be problematic and need to use T3-Only with no T4 medication.
- Thyroid patients who are already on T3-Only therapy but have not been able to find a dosage that eliminates their symptoms.
- Physicians who wish to learn a safe and effective protocol for using the T3 thyroid hormone in anything other than tiny amounts.
Recovering with T3 remains the go-to book for those patients who need to use T3 in order to get well.
For more information on Recovering with T3 please see the book page on the website:
Amazon also uses Look Inside so you can view sample pages of the book there.
I hope that you found this helpful.
Best wishes,
Paul, for myself personally, this has been my Bible, my go-to book and my mentor. So much was relatable to my own journey. It has taken many, many years, many changes in Doctors – GP’s, Endocrinologists and Psychologists – for me to start seeing light at the end of the tunnel. I am now 71 and I believe this all started at around age 11/12 when I was diagnosed with Rheumatic Fever. I couldnt count the number of strep throats I had during all this time. I have not only lost so many years of feeling ‘unwell’ but I also lost so much personally that will never be recovered. When I look back, I have many ‘ah-ha’ moments relating not only to myself, but also my mother. Both my sons have underactive thyroids, and my younger son also has next to no tissue left. I watch my grand-children like a hawk, and bring the boys attention to anything that may be of concern. (I ignore all the eye-rolling 🙂 )
I no longer am filled with ‘if-only’s’, because that only hinders my journey, all I can do is move forward. Raynauds reared its ugly head again this winter, and I now realise it started again, very subtly, about 3 years ago, but was full-on this year. I still have a battle with inflammation!! I have a new GP who is not adverse to listening, so onwards and upwards for me now.
A ‘thank you’ seems so inadequate for the work you have done, and continue to do, but thank you and God Bless. Stay safe and keep well.
Regards, Dorothy Woods
Dorothy, thank you so much for taking the time to explain the hard road you have travelled and how my book has helped you move along it. I am glad that you have not focused on the ‘if only’s’, as they only hold you back from enjoying the present – I recognise this all too well, as I did have a lot of anger and regrets about how bad treatment radically affected my own life. I no longer hold onto the anger or the ‘if only’s’. I do have a lot of scorn for most medical professionals treating thyroid disease and grave disappointment about their dogmatic approach which harms many thyroid patients every day. But no more anger. Your message and the others like it when I receive them does make what I have personally gone through and efforts I have made feel worthwhile. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You too – stay safe and well.
Best wishes,
Dear Paul
I have just read with great interest all you have written about thyroid problems.
I will not spend a lot of space relating the misery I have experienced for the past six years, but just to say I have suffered and suffered without the help of a caring Doctor or Endocrinologist. I have spent thousands of £s trying to find alternative help but alas, no beneficial results.
I am now 83 and would really like to spend another healthy 10/12 years.
I am interested in your book about treating
Thyroid exclusively with T3, but I heard
it may not be very safe for the over 80s.
I would be grateful for your comment and any helpful suggestions you can offer.
I am not very good with using my computer, I keep loosinghh the links when I wish to reconnect. If it’s not too much trouble could you send me your reply direct to my email address. I am really desperate and do look forward to getting some guidance from someone who knows so much about this complicated subject.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Esther Robinson.
I will drop you an email.
Dear Paul,
Can you possibly share your thoughts on appropriate morning cortisol levels, in regards to proper thyroid function? My serum cortisol levels have measured around 14-15; but my saliva testing showed a significant lesser amount. Most doctors see the serum levels as being appropriate. I have lower end of normal free t4, lower to normal tsh levels; but have significantly low free t3. I have tried low doses of cytomel without truly seeing too much difference. I’m curious about my adrenals/cortisol. If you have any insight, it would be appreciated.
Hi Lark, lab tests vary by country and laboratory. You don’t state the units your serum cortisol is in and you don’t state the laboratory reference range either. If you are on oestrogen therapy at all this will also falsely inflate the cortisol level in blood.
This blog post discusses the differences between saliva and serum cortisol results:
If you let me know the full serum cortisol I’ll say more. Small doses of T3 rarely work well by the way.
Best wishes, Paul